The Atlantic Record
An epic voyage across the Atlantic ocean alone in a rowing boat for 106 days. Crossing 3000 miles of ocean with no sail or motor.
As the forces of nature took over, Bhavik found himself faced with 3 failed attempts, storms, a water leak, broken rudder, lost equipment, extreme isloation and a capsize that left him without food and water for several days.
“To those lost at sea…the third toast” – Russian seafaring tradition
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The Atlantic
The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest of the earth’s four oceans. The ocean’s name is derived from Atlas, one of the Titans of Greek mythology. Total area: 76.762 million sq km.

The Route
After 4 failed attempts, Bhavik finally left from the Island of El Hierro, the smallest of the Canary Islands, on a route similar to that taken by Christopher Columbus.

Physical risks and dangers
Relying on muscle-power alone, he had to endure extreme weather conditions to keep the boat on course in the open ocean. He experienced tropical storms, gale force winds and 40 ft waves.
Apart from the usual hazards of everyday life, there is the ever present risk of tropical storms, floating containers, getting caught currents, freak waves and ships at night. Salt sores, sunburn and skin problems are some of the regular snags.

Psychological challenges
It is as much a psychological as it is a physical challenge.
Enduring long periods at sea in isolation and severe sleep depravation, mental fatigue and stress.
Bhavik’s first sight of humans after leaving Spain was with the Antiguan Coast Guard that turned up to escort him into the harbour.
His isolation lasted 106 days.

There was always the constant risk of capsizing. The boat ultimately capsized once when the boat was hit by a freak wave. Upside down on the Atlantic is not fun!

Almost run over by ships
Possibly the biggest risk faced is that of being hit by a speeding cargo ship, that fails to see their boat on the radar due to its low elevation in the water.

The greatest risk from sharks and whales was from them coming to feed on the smaller fish that live off the growth on the underside of the boat.
A hungry one may quite easily capsize the boat. Whales, sharks, dolphins and doradas were a often around the boat.

Falling into a chilly sea water induces vagal shock. The sudden cold causes the shipwrecked sailors to gasp — and with that gasp they may inhale water. The shock induces violent shivering, the muscles contract so that they curl up, and as a result they are unable to swim. Other people suffer immediate cardiac arrest as a result of the shock

The Boat
The boat was made of 6mm thick marine plywood with a coat of epoxy resin for strength and resilience to water.
It was equipped with solar panels, desailnator, vhf radio equipment, water tight compartments to store food and 3 sets of carbon fiber oars.

Length: 23.4 feet / 7.1 meters
Width/Beam: 6.3 feet / 1.9 meters
Depth: 3 feet / 1 meter
Weight (unloaded): 750 kg / 1,650 lbs
Designers: Phill Morrison & Peter Rowsell

Watch videos
Storms, squalls, capsize, water leak, rowing, daily life alone on a boat at sea.

View photos
106 days of storms and sunsets, the heights and lows and incredible wildlife.

Read the diary
Bhavik’s daily journal of life on the Atlantic, incredible experiences and thoughts.
Messages on the ocean
Aasim . . | at 12:06:56 PM, CORNING USA
illogical and irrational passion … inspirational….
Annet and Janet . . | on at 7:24:58 PM SPAIN
i think what u are doing is absolutely brave and courageous. we’re sixteen and if you can impress someone this age with what you are doing, i think there are a lot more people out there captivated by what you are doing. i love your pictures and it is turly fascinating to see what u do.
Indrani , 9:00 PM, INDIA
I have had my heart in my mouth every morning when I’ve logged onto your website these past few days, hoping you’re safe and holding on, and so grateful to your guiding spirit, who obviously loves you to bits, that you’re ok and continuing the journey as you’d intended. After having read your posts for over 3 months, I feel I know you. So I know you’re going to make it. Keep the faith and keep going. There are many, many people out there rooting for you and praying for your safety and success – most of whom cant or wont write to tell you this. But know that there are.
You’re one amazing fella (and I’ve got a helluva amazing niece in Liverpool I could introduce you to, hahaha, only half joking!) and you’re doing such an amazing job. In fact, I’ve got so addicted to your posts that when I’m traveling (as I do frequently) I really miss my ‘daily fix’ if I cant get to an internet connection. Now I’ve got my 84-year old ex-seafarer dad hooked too, and we both think you spin a jolly good yarn, almost up there with Faulkner, Hemingway, Masefield, Melville et al, in the way you’ve allowed staid couch potatoes like us to vicariously live your journey of dogged endurance, infinite patience, introspective moments, creative ingenuity and heart-stopping experiences, which you share with us so vividly and with oodles of wit to boot.
Lakshmi V Venkatesan, Founding Trustee, BYST , 2:48 PM,
I keep reading your postings with a mixture of awe, pride, fear, envy and a lot more! Your are out there literally living it out for all of us. Thank You.
It is great to hear that your anxiety is less because you have crossed the halfway mark – I suppose I can start breathing too!
LT. AK SINGH . army officer | 4:20:31 AM, INDIAN ARMY
hell of an effort brother.. extraordinary people like you inspire ordinary people like us …to break tke mould and go beyond our capabilities.
Deep Kalra, CEO, 6/15/2007,9:31:20 AM, INDIA
Heartiest Congrats .. you did it !! I can just imagine what you must be going thru .. hats off to a herculean effort .. proud to know you (mainly virutally) and glad we could support Cheers !
Swaminathan, IRIS,CEO, 6/15/200 10:50:20 AM, INDIA
I have been following your progress every day. Somewhere you struck a chord. I used to log on to the site twice a day and I am simply awestruck. You are an inspiration to every man woman and child.
K M, ,Infosys ,Software Engineer, UNITED STATES
Congrats for becoming the first person to row across the Atlantic Ocean unassisted after a 106-day journey.
Armin Krusko, Jul 2, 2007 9:07 PM, BOSNIA / SWEDEN
You are now officially most extreme person that I have had a please of meeting in my life so far, and an inspiration to whom I gotta beat if I’m to become number 1! 😉 Followed your progress on a daily basis, and was really inspired by your will and determination! Great job man!
Mikko Sjöberg,Jun 29, 2007 6:44 PM, FINLAND
Greetings from Helsinki,
An amazing achievement! I just got back home and read that you have now finished the rowing. Wow! 🙂
Vineeth John Abraham, Jun 29, 2007 4:51 PM, KERALA
i read an article abt you in one of the daily here in kerala. it was so nice to hear abt you. i was trying
to visualialize the entire thing. but i couldn’t. you have done a great job. congrats.
George Kannampuzha varkey, 28 Jun 2007 03:55:55, INDIA
This 15 letters word is coming to you from one among many admirers of your great adventure. I am George from a very remote village of Kerala and read this great news in one of the regional language newspaper. I could not hide my pride when I read that one of the fellow Indian achieved this record, with a feather on his cap. I understand from the paper that you started your sailing on 14th March and reached your destination after 106days,that too through Bermuda Triangle. Reading your age as 30years,my dear young boy ,from this corner of the world all my blessings and best wishes are extended through this letter. The distance you covered was 6393 KMs.Greatttttttttttttt.
Aneesh Martin, Jun 28, 2007 12:22 AM, INDIA
Dear friend….. I read the news about your adventure journy acrosse the Atlantic….Realy..I appriciate your greate confidence and will power Now I am your fan….Your life story is truely inspirated me…
Rajat_Bhatla …Jun 25, 2007 8:14 AM, INDIA
Congratulations on your milestone achievement. The pictures of the Tricolor atop your boat invokes mixed feelings. You have the backing and a fan club of a million Indians like me back home! If you come down to Bangalore do keep informed. Will see what can do to give you a grand and deserving reception 🙂
Jason Lewis, Jun 20, 2007 5:02 PM, UK
Just catching up now on the terrific news that you arrived safely trans-Atlantic. A job well done!
Dmitry Shipilov, Jun 20, 2007 1:19 PM, RUSSIA
My congratulations on finishing your cross-atlantic row! You’re really brave and strong person – I knew it when you’ve decided to cross Russia and Siberia
Ambar Sur, VP, Bharti Telesoft, Jun 20, 2007 12:17 PM, INDIA
Congratulations of the great achievement. Been following up on your trip through your updates. You put us through some tense moments. Glad to know you made it in safe. Admire your spirit.
Wish there was more of us with your spirit.
Harit Patel, Jun 20, 2007 10:00 AM, NEW YORK
No words are necessary.. the first news story says it all!!! CONGRATULATIONS bud!!..
Edwards Y, Jun 21, 2007 4:08 PM, UK
This is a wicked achievement, brilliant – I have read some of your webpage it is so scary.
Will you be in the UK anytime, it would be wonderful if you could talk to our local scouts?
Das, Ashim, Jun 19, 2007 3:17 PM, CORNING USA, INDIA
Congratulations ! On your much enviable and spectacular achievement.You have done proud to yourself,the sports,all Indians and above all our Country. May God Bless U for the good you have done to all of us !
Ann, CORNING USA, Jun 19, 2007 3:17 PM, UNITED STATES
The news of Bhavik having completed his TransAtlantic crossing by his Row Boat is exhilarating, and I as a Corning employee feel equally victorious in this great achievement of Bhavik,as most of us in the
Corning India office have been following up the progress of Bhavik on the day to day basis.
I am sure my colleagues will agree with me that there have been quiet a few nail biting moments for all of us during this gruelling journey which was a sheer test of endurance, both physical and mental for Bhavik who had set out to conquer the Atlantic by a small row boat all by himself.I want to however mention three significant instances during Bhavik’s TransAtlantic Crossing :
* Day 77 – When Bhavik posted an update on his health condition and where he mentioned about our Product : The SunSensors : Quote from Bhavik’s posting :”Eyes: Hurt from the endless hours of looking at the distant horizon as I row. I have to keep the Sunglasses on all day. Looking for long
periods at a large reflective area of water is stressful on the eyes. I’ve been using SunSensors lenses from Corning, which have been performing exceptionally well.”
* Day 83 – When Bhavik posted an update on his mental health condition – after 83 days of solitude – no human contact.:
Quote from Bhavik’s posting : “Hallucinations: Trying to keep a sane mind is a challenge. Of all the
effects of solitude I have been most afraid of hallucinating. The mind is the last line of defense in survival, especially for solo sailors.”
* Day 98 – When we read the most heart breaking news for all of us ,that of Bhavik’s boat Capsizing just 250 nautical miles away from Antigua,his final destination.
Bhavik’s achievement under such adverse conditions have reconfirmed our belief : “That the God is with the Brave & Brave do not fear any Challenges..they tackle them as they come.”Bravo….Bhavik
Anita Jasani Taheer , Jun 19, 2007 11:52 PM, INDIA
Superb achievement!!! A lot of us here in Pune admire your spirit, courage and perseverance among other things.
Peter Van Allen, Jun 18, 2007 8:58 PM, UK
Congratulations on your great accomplishment! I followed your trip with interest — especially at the end, when all the equipment was breaking down. Clearly, you yourself did not break down. Awesome job!
John pennycook, Jun 18, 2007 7:44 PM, CANARY ISLANDS
congratulations you must have a fantastic sense of achievement
Khoo Swee Chiow, Jun 18, 2007 8:00 AM, HONGKONG
Congratulations & well done ! I have been following your progress. Your courage & determination is inspiring. I hope to follow your footstep.
Volker Nies Managing Director, Jun 18, 2007 8:00 AM, SINGAPORE
Congratulations as well from Singapore, I have followed your progress step by step and I am very happy to see, that you have made it. Fantastic effort.
Sujay Naik , Jun 18, 2007 2:33 PM, INDIA
Congratulations! Simply Awesome. I’ve been watching your progess on your Atlantic Journey since we first spoke a little over 3 years ago when I worked on brand Boost. Your perseverance, strength, and courage has been extraordinary. I do not know what you could possibly feel like doing next!
Surinder Singh Dhillon, Jun 18, 2007 3:32 AM, LONDON
First of all CONGRATS on being the first Asian to cross the Atlantic solo. I have been following your journey everyday for the last 3 months. You are my hero!! In fact you look like baby Jesus with your beard grown like that. I am glad that you arrived safe.
Nick Bowles on Fairwinds, Jun 17, 2007 11:48 PM, AZORES
We are sitting in the Club Navale in Ponta Delgada, Sao Miguel, Azores drinking beer and using their free wifi. We have a couple more weeks of freedom to cruise round here then we have to think about the long voyage home – 1200 miles to Ireland. We were so pleased to hear that you made it, and having a bit of an epic in the last week
Pramod Krishnan Jun 16, 2007 9:33 PM, INDIA
I have been following your posts ever since I read about you in the newspaper. It has been exciting to read about the Atlantic; the winds, the waves, the rudder, the direction, the flying fish, the dolphins, the tankers, ….. and a parallel dawned on me.. aint we all rowing an Atlantic, an Atlantic called life, all alone
Shivakumar mc Jun 16, 2007 8:23 PM, INDIA
It is highly inspirational and path break achievement. It is a role model task you have completed and it shows that INDIANS are equal to others in adventure and braveness. It is mind-blowing that you got idea to take this rare feat, which no one would have imagined.
Johan Holmberg, Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 2:50 AM, SWEDEN
Have followed you quest – impressed by your endurance and patience. Will be very interesting to learn about your thoughts and experiences… I hope your return to “civilization” is a smooth one
Greg Kolodziejzyk, Jun 15, 2007 12:19 AM, CANADA
I am so excited for you !!!!! As I write this, you have just posted your day 106 report and should probably be arriving at English Harbour now. I am so excited for you. Bravo!!!! Well done. You are the man. Enjoy every minute of your success! Thanks for taking me along!!!!!!!
Commander GVK Unnithan, Fri, Jun 15, 2007 at 11:34 PM, INDIAN NAVY
Heartiest congratulations for your historic voyage, endurance and determination. I have 40 years of sea service ( Indian Navy & Merchant Navy put together)but never even thought of venturing anything of the sort. You have created history. Very happy to see the Tricolour flying in your boat. Keep up the spirit. If I know your visit to Mumbai, would be honoured and privileged to meet you.
Cyrus Heerjee , Fri, Jun 15, 2007 at 12:31 PM, INDIA
On behalf of the Commodores-RBYC,BSA & CSC, the sailing fraternity in Bombay and from myself, HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS on completing the expedition succesfully.
Nishita toprani , Fri, Jun 15, 2007 at 6:02 PM, INDIA
Congratulations to you for a truly phenomenal achievement… I can not even imagine what you must be feeling at this moment, but cherish it cos i am sure it feels truly amazing. And i hope tht this experience has given you the courage and confidence to achieve many more things in your life.
Amit Patil, Fri, Jun 15, 2007 at 11:11 AM, BANGLORE
Its really pointless to try to verbalize how proud we are of this stupendous feat you’ve accomplished! Superhuman!!
Shashi.Shankara, Fri, Jun 15, 2007 at 9:23 AM, INDIA
Congrats on successfully reaching land again!! We were with you each day, minute and experienced your struggle, joy and the trip as whole. First thing in morning we used to see is your website for the latest update!!
John Fuller Fri, Jun 15, 2007 at 7:28 AM, ST JOHNS, ANTIGUA
I live next door to Jabberwock beach. Have lots of room. You are welcome to stay!
Priya Vasa Fri, Jun 15, 2007 at 9:23 AM, TORONTO
Wow, congrats!!! Don’t quite know what to say to a person who’s just accomplished something like this, but way to go!
The last few days I have had tears of joy and admiration whilst reading your posts. What grit and determination. It has been wonderful following your journey through your interesting posts. A few of us would unfailingly read your posts or talk about your crossing almost on a daily basis.
I really hope that I get the opportunity to meet you someday!!! What a wonderful source of inspiration. Really cool!!!! Congartulations once again. We are all very proud of you.
John Simon Perring Fri, Jun 15, 2007 at 3:32 AM, MADRID, SPAIN
well done mate, surprisingly enough, you’ve had us chewing our nails more than once,
and been the topic of endless conversation, especially since the capsize. hope someone bought you a .5 kg steak for your first meal with no movement (you’re missing it already aren’t you?) and a nice
cool caña (cold spanish beer).
Peter Mcfarren, Fri, Jun 15, 2007 at 3:27 AM, BOLIVIA
From the 3,600 meter high Andes, congratulations on your great feat!!! A sign of great courage, persistence and commitment
Balbir Singh Bhogal 14 Jun 2007 12:16:22, CHENNAI
congrats for completing the toughest feet of rowing the atlantic. Me and my both the sons were constantly watching your progress through e-mails web sites and use to talk and discuss about your courage. My sons are found of you in mid way we have sent you many e-mails, hope you have gone through , we are happy and thrilled with your this feet and today going to celebrate with a dinner party with all my close friends. wish you all the best and if at all you come to chennai , india do let us know and spare some minutes with us, we will be happy to be with our HERO.
Shalaka.Patel Thu, Jun 14, 2007 at 8:31 PM, USA
just wanted to tell you that I have been following your post almost every single day. I feel a little
guilty sitting in my comfortable office (CT, USA) getting a vicarious thrill of reading your posts.. kinda like the Truman show! I am SO HAPPY that you made it!!! 🙂 🙂
Bart Toney Thu, Jun 14, 2007 at 8:01 PM, HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA
Congrats. on reaching your destination in Antigua. I am from Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada. And being checking out your website for sometime now, on your adventure. I am not a sailer or anything like that, just amaze by the people that people, all there effort into, reaching there goal in life.
John Boulanger , Thu, Jun 14, 2007 at 3:28 AM, FRANCE
A note of congratulations–my sons and I have been following your journey for the last few months. You are a great role model for them (aged 6 and 9). Namely, what can be achieved when one sets his mind to it!
Claus Ditlev Christensen, Thu, Jun 14, 2007 at 3:20 AM, DENMARK
It’s been an amazing 105 days for you – and for the rest of us who followed you all the way. Your writing has been thrilling and captivating – and I felt I was with you through the squalls, the capsize….all the way! You now have material for a bestseller! Congratulations on an amazing achievement.
Shalivahan Singh . Consultant. Vasco Trave; Pvt Ltd | on 6/14/2007 at 4:52:39 AM, INDIA
U r a world citizen now, keep the spirits I wonder if u are carrying BBQ set with you to cook Ocean fresh sea food what else you need. Lot’s of Cheers from India BON VOYAGE !!!!!!
Bhavesh . . | on 6/13/2007 at 12:18:02 AM, INDIA
I was so worried when your boat capsized so close to your destination but my brother sent me a very excited email telling me you are only 48 miles away….I got my fingers crossed for you and WISH YOU ALL THE LUCK…you are the most deserving to make it succesfully… God Bless
Anita Jasani Taheer Wed, Jun 13, 2007 at 3:20 PM, INDIA
Congratulations!!! More for the fight you put up till the end, than your journey itself. Hope we see an update with LOTS of pictures and videos of your arriving at English Harbour.
Niloufer Venkatraman Wed, Jun 13, 2007 at 12:12 PM, INDIA
I am thrilled that you are so close to finishing. Every since I talked to you for the story for Mint (the Indian business newspaper) on day 42, checking your progress and reading your log has been daily event. The day I talked to you, you were on a low and were thinking of calling in rescue, since then it’s been 62 days of exciting reading not just for me, but for others who I know have been following your expedition. When you have the time and the leisure to catch up, you can read the story (with extracts from your log) online at:
Good luck with the next 24 hours and I’m looking forward to continue reading the details, as well as about the final finish, and after–about your return to land and the jarring realities of civilization or of finally being able to walk a few miles or eat and drink freshly cooked hot food.
Vandan Dalal, Jun 13, 2007 1:26 PM, INDIA
You are stronger than any metal,you are the real wonder of the world. Wish you all the best for the last 24 hours of sailing.
Aasim Khwaja, Jun 12, 2007 9:44 PM, INDIA
Your ability to keep a positive frame of mind and hang on to a sense of humor is incredible! I loved the way you ended your last post (describing the capsize) with:
“In the words of Bond, still little shaken, but not stirred. 48 miles left for a warm meal…”
Alain De Carolis Tue, Jun 12, 2007 at 11:32 PM, ITALY
found your site thanks to Antonio Miguel Betancor Muñoz, a radio operator from Spain who posted about you on my website:
My website is the point of reference for radio operators who contact the International Space Station on the amateur radio frequencies (mostly on 145 MHz FM). Antonio is trying to set you up for a sked with the ISS and I hope he will be successful. If only you had an amateur radio licence and a wide range VHF transceiver capable of transmitting on 145 MHz everything would have been much much easier since the astronauts are not allowed to talk on maritime frequencies nor are equipped to do so.
I admire your sense of adventure and really appreciate what you do. I live in central Italy between the cities of Ancona and Pescara. During your bike ride to Turkey you have passed a few hundred meters
away from my apartment… I live right next the SS16 road that you must have taken for sure.Congratulations for your beautiful activities. You are already a hero!
Cecilia . . | on 6/11/2007 at 6:31:07 PM, SWEDEN
Im so happy to read about your strenght and energy to continue. I beleave in you! You will win and cross the atlantic!
Sriram . . | on 6/11/2007 at 5:29:15 PM, INDIA
Cheering for you to reach Anitgua after the capsize. Hope you make it soon. I dont knwo you but have checked your progress every single day as I vicariously imagine your experiences. 135nm to go, press the pedal and make it across the line. good luck
Varun . . | on 6/11/2007 at 5:06:39 AM, INDIA
Am following your journey on www.OKTATABYEBYE.Com here in India. Just read that your post that your boat has CAPSIZED. It’s great to read that you still haven’t abandoned your attempt. Our best wishes and prayers are with you. Remember:Bad things do happen; how you respond to them defines your character and the quality of your life. You can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of your loss, or you can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift you have – life itself
Vinod . tech. make my trip | on 6/11/2007 at 2:09:09 AM, DELHI
U r a creative, brave and adventureous man.I am confident of u compleating this madien voyage..reminds me of columbus…
Partha . . | on 6/11/2007 at 1:57:57 AM, DELHI
GodSpeed and strength. Success and grit. All the best tough guy
Kavita Rayirath . . | on 6/10/2007 at 12:55:54 PM, BANGLORE
Hey Brave Soul, Just a few miles more. You’ve worked so hard for this, and you’re still holding up so well despite all of this. Hats off to you sailor.
Ines . . | on 6/10/2007 at 4:19:16 AM, CAPE TOWN, AFRICA
Hey you! Been following your progress and these last days. Unfortunate drama with your boat! I am worried about you, but also know you are too stubborn to give up unless you really have to. Pls don’t put yourself at risk! Will be praying for you and have faith in your quick arrival in Antigua. All the best. Thinking of you here in rainy Cape Town
Yas . Oslo, Norway. | on 6/10/2007 at 2:01:29 AM, OSLO, NORWAY
Hey B, Thinking of you babe!! how the heck are you keeping up? with hardly any support?? SOOOOO proud of you!! You’ll make it through I know, cos the Universe is watching over you! God bless.
Jairaj, bangalore, india . . | on 6/10/2007 at 1:00:50 AM, BANGLORE
for the last 2 1/2 months i’ve begun my day by checking on your progress. i cannot even begin to imagine the magnitude of this feat – to speak nothing of what your body-mind experience has been! land in sight. keep rowing!
Michelle Fertek Sat, Jun 9, 2007 at 8:20 PM, SWITZERLAND / VIETNAM
Don’t give up so short before your goal! got the messages while sitting in a internetcafe in vietnam! nice country to visit as well… thinking of you and hope things turn out right, good luck! michelle and gilles, the swiss couple from ladakh.
Ivan Daza Sat, Jun 9, 2007 at 5:26 PM, BOLIVIA / SWEDEN
Im so impressed by your mission. You are proofing that only the mind sets the limit. Ive put you into my saga: Titicaco King of the Sea. Ill tell you more when you are back. Keep up thesuper spirit.
Lakshmivv, May 23, 2007 10:24 AM, BYST
As usual I read your postings with bated breath as it seems to me that you have one challenge after another but you never let up. When you write about your mental health, can you also touch upon what drove you to do this in the first place and what keeps you there?
My admiration for what you are doing is boundless, but being an armchair adventurer myself, to keep reading about your real life experiences is ‘the next best thing to being there’ or rather ‘it is better than being there’ as it will simply be ‘impossible’ for me.
Antonio Miguel Betancor Muñoz..May 23, 2007 3:45 AM, GRAN CANARIA, CANARY ISLANDS
Llet me say you that now I follow your progress every day, just say you force!, do not worry about win north, just win west, just keep 15N do not lost it, in 2 or 3 days wind will push you also something to the northwest, you will reach Antigua, keep in mind reserve forces to row towards west not being exhausting if in these days the wind push you something to the south, do not worry so much, you win west all possible. come on! at least 25nm a day, you can do it!, resist!. would like very much if you write down to me some words. sorry for my bad English.
Nerea . . | on 6/9/2007 at 4:47:37 AM, MURCIA, SPAIN
Hola Bhavik!! I read u are having some problems out there, are u all right??Hope it’s all fine.Come on, there’s only a bit left, soon your feet will touch real earth again. Take care, kisses.
Ozgur Sevgi . edirne. bicylce | on 6/9/2007 at 3:18:37 AM, TURKEY
U crossed the EUROPE before.. Up to IStanbul.I remember your bicycle.
K V V S MURTHY . VP, Reliance Industries Limited | on 6/9/2007 at 3:01:23 AM, INDIA
I have prayed for you. Hats off to your courage. God bless You.
Aasim, May 9, 2007 7:23 PM, INDIA
There would be no human progress (in art, science or anything) if not for “crazy” people doing “irrational” things. For every 100,000+ “rational” and “sensible” people out there, there is 1 “crazy/ irrational” person – keep the crazyness alive! And keep the spirits up! You WILL make it! Greatest respect!
Deval Ambani , Jun 9, 2007 12:00 AM, INDIA
Super excited and praying to God you reach back safe. Whenever think of you at sea, it gives me goose bumps and your like an inspiration to me, every time I feel something would be tough for me I feel I can manage. I am sooooooooo proud of you not only as an Asian or an Indian but as a human being. It really needs something, to take on something so challenging. Probably an understatement. I used to look forward to seeing the daily update. Scary and thrilling… It was like I was watching a reality show.
Indrani , Jun 8, 2007 9:00 PM, UNITED STATES
I have had my heart in my mouth every morning when I’ve logged onto your website these past few days, hoping you’re safe and holding on, and so grateful to your guiding spirit, who obviously loves you to bits, that you’re ok and continuing the journey as you’d intended. After having read your posts for over 3 months, I feel I know you. So I know you’re going to make it. Keep the faith and keep going. There are many, many people out there rooting for you and praying for your safety and success – most of whom cant or wont write to tell you this. But know that there are.
You’re one amazing fella (and I’ve got a helluva amazing niece in Liverpool I could introduce you to, hahaha, only half joking!) and you’re doing such an amazing job. In fact, I’ve got so addicted to your posts that when I’m traveling (as I do frequently) I really miss my ‘daily fix’ if I cant get to an internet connection. Now I’ve got my 84-year old ex-seafarer dad hooked too, and we both think you spin a jolly good yarn, almost up there with Faulkner, Hemingway, Masefield, Melville et al, in the way you’ve allowed staid couch potatoes like us to vicariously live your journey of dogged endurance, infinite patience, introspective moments, creative ingenuity and heart-stopping experiences, which you share with us so vividly and with oodles of wit to boot. So, hang in there, you deserve to enjoy the success that’s waiting for you at journey’s end and I’m looking forward to reading about your victorious landfall
David KANAMUGIRE-Rwanda . . | on 6/8/2007 at 11:53:41 AM, RWANDA
You are a winner…We hold you in highest esteem. Greetings and cheers from Rwanda. Courage!.
Cesar . Director ITC. Fabretto | on 6/8/2007 at 11:24:01 AM, COLOMBIA
Hola Bhavik! Animos! Good luck on your trip!! This is an amazing journey, and despite its troubles, your strong spirit will overcome!! I wish you all the best!!
Danielle, Copenhagen . . | on 6/8/2007 at 9:25:33 AM, COPENHAGEN, DENMARK
Hang in there!!! Chocking to hear about the rough times you are going through. Keeping my fingers crossed for you and hope you are able to get back into rowing mode ASAP. Danielle (SSES and KTH)
Guillem . . | on 6/8/2007 at 8:59:02 AM, SPAIN
Congratulations. Felicidades por tú gesta!
Steve . systems geek. | on 6/7/2007 at 10:50:07 AM, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA
Keep plugging – I’ve been following your progress and am very impressed with your handling mishap after mishap – your dedication to making it all the way, unsupported, even after the capsize is an inspiration to us all! Keep rowing! Steve
Watch Master. Maritime Rescue Coordination Center. Fort De France | on 6/7/2007 at 3:47:12 AM
This is Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre Fort de France (French West Indies), in charge of rescue area your are located. Please be advised that we were informed your are capsizing. We would like to know if you confirm that you request assitance to finish the rowing race. Please answer as soon as possible, via the website or directly by e-mail according to your availabality, in order to plan efficiently the rescue operation if you need it. Best Regards. The Watch Master MRCC Fort de France
Bala . . | on 6/6/2007 at 8:22:53 PM, FRANKFURT
Hope all’s well… if you could go on for 98 days, you can for another 4… give it your best shot…
Ana & Oscar (Sweden) . . | on 6/6/2007 at 5:56:43 PM, STOCKHOLM
We were about to sms you… hope everything goes better.You are almost there!! Keep on fighting!!
Spaski. USA . . | on 6/6/2007 at 2:34:03 PM, UNITED STATES
Incredible task. you are almost reaching the destination.I really admire you.
prem . . Kuriens travel and tourism centre, trivandrum,kera | on 6/6/2007 at 1:59:29 PM, INDIA
Rustam, Jun 4, 2007 7:51 PM, PORTUGAL
The first opportunity and I read most of your dispatches which I had missed. I have them in one folder in my outlook express named after you. Everytime I went near the sea in Spain and Portugal, I thought about you and your daring voyage. In Barcelona, near the Mediteranean coast, seeing the boats docked at the Port as also, in Alburfeira (Portugal), sitting on the beach (well actually sun bathing) watching the vast Atlantic ocean you are crossing single handedly. The Atlantic Ocean was visible even from my hotel room and everytime I saw it, I used to tell my children about you going across the hemisphere where we could see the end of waterline and begining of the skyline. Its amazing, I can visualise the sea even when I am writing now.
hans . . | on 6/3/2007 at 3:09:41 PM, HOLLAND
Wanted to elt you know I’m a frequent visitor of your site. It gives me lots of inspiration. Not to do the same you do, but just to know there is so much else going on in this world besides, you know, office and stuff. Great! keep it going.
Burton, Eric E, Corning Incorporated, May 30, 2007 6:51 PM, UNITED STATES
I am praying for your safety an the completion of your journey . You truly are an inspiration. May God strengthen you and carry you safely to your destination. What an accomplishment.
Gerard . . | on 5/24/2007 at 1:12:50 PM, UNITED STATES
Would recommend staying faithful to Olive. 🙂 You will never be alone as long as you have so many best wishers right there with you Bhavik. KBO!! Just over 2 weeks to go and very excited for you. Keep the spirit.
Prasoon . Manager. | on 5/23/2007 at 3:47:00 AM, INDIA
Dont you get scared of being lonely , specially in the nights ?..and with no sign of humans around?
Gedas Mitkus . +44 78 9028 2687. | on 5/18/2007 at 11:08:49 PM, GREECE
Found your site. Amazing! Keep it up! Studied together @ KTH EMIS
Deep Kalra . CEO. | on 5/15/2007 at 1:20:40 PM, DELHI
Great going !! We are all cheering for you at and hoping for the very best. Can’t wait to see you get to your goal. Cheers, All Trippers @ MMT
Aasim Khwaja . . | on 5/9/2007 at 9:45:36 AM
There would be no human progress (in art, science or anything else) if not for “crazy” people doing “irrational” things. keep the spirits up! you are going to make it! and have a GREAT ride along with way.
Greg Kolodziejzyk . . | on 5/8/2007 at 8:30:03 PM, CANDA
wow – you *are* having a rough time man. Hey – hang in there!! You are an inspiration to me. I follow your updates every day. I can’t believe the hard luck you have had on this entire expedition.
Manu . . | on 5/8/2007 at 8:36:07 AM, STOCKHOLM
I like the fact that somebody’s enclosed himself to enlargen his scope.. i try doing the same in my own little ways.
Shayne . . | on 5/5/2007 at 11:04:51 AM, NEW YORK
Hey mate. I’ve got to hand it to you, you sure have some courage to be out there by yourself.
Loubna, KL, Malaysia . . | on 5/5/2007 at 5:07:47 AM, KULA LAMPUR, MALAYSIA
Great one, am sure you will complete this :o)
Marisol Ben-Horin , Israel, Apr 30, 2007 11:57 AM, TEL AVIV, ISRAEL
Dario and I are watching your daily messages with admiration. Wish you success in achieving such courageous expedition.
LADAKH . travel agent. INDIA LADAKH EXPEDTION | on 4/29/2007 at 3:12:46 AM, LADAKH
Khalid Malik, Apr 26, 2007 7:20 PM, NEWCASTLE
I helped Andrew Wilson build his boat in 1988, he was unsuccessful but have always had this sense of adventure. I admire you, your courage and when you get across to have become the first Asian guy to do it will be a remarkable achievement. I wish you well on the rest of the Journey and will now watch your progress and if you like email you now and then. I live in Newcastle and love the photos that are on the website. Well done and good luck with the rest of the journey and I am not sure if the food has changed much from 1988, I suspect is a lot better. By the way how do you cope with all the isolation?
Fiona . Account Manager. pi global | on 4/25/2007 at 6:22:28 AM, LONDON
I just want to write to say well done for passing you half way mark and warm coffee is far too overated anyway. 🙂
Madhur Apr 25, 2007 1:37 PM, INDIA
Way to go!!!! having been following your activities since last 1.5 years when you actually started preparing. Its an amazing experience that you are going through and I wish the choicest blessings for you. Hope the next half (of your journey) is more easier and comfortable than the previous one… All the very best and i know you will emerge as a winner!!!!! Best regards,
Dean Eilertson, North Vancouver,BC, Apr 25, 2007 6:38 AM, VANCOUVER, BC
read your log everyday, between your leaks & shark attacks it sounds like you are having a very exciting journey. I sailed your route last Nov 17 – Dec 11 and compare your GPS to the lat – longs from our trip. So… I know where you are and try to re- live every wave with you. I will continue my watch over your every
move and will continue to think of your great adventure everyday. So have at it and enjoy!
Did anyone ever tell you just how intensely blue the Atlantic was? Say hello to the Southern Cross, Orion, and the rest of that beautiful world for me, I miss it so much.
Ashni Ambani . Your cousine. none | on 4/24/2007 at 8:05:52 AM, SL
Heard bout yr crzy journey.i think itts great your trying to attempt sumthin not many have attempted.i hope you finish this journey cause then i heard you will b ethe first asian to complete this. anyway enjoy it while you are there.i really wanna what made u wanna do this!! …how do you have a swim round the boat???isnt it scary?!?! i mean sharks..whales..ok ok i will stop there dont wanna make u all freaked out! and um i think im luky to have a cousin like you who is not scared to do the most scariest thing in the world! but enjoy your trip now. ashni ambani:):) ashni- ambani
Pranay . . | on 4/24/2007 at 6:05:38 AM, INDIA
You have inspired me to make resolve and execute my plans to achieve greater things in life. Thanks a lot. You are an inspiration indeed.
Gerard Wijeyeratne . . | on 4/23/2007 at 1:56:26 PM, UNITED STATES
Hopefully by now you have passed the halfway mark and congratulations are in order. Fantastic stuff – Less than half to go! Keep the spirits and the freeze dried food will hopefully soon be a thing of the past.
Rustam, Apr 23, 2007 8:10 PM, INDIA
I have been getting your daily despatches and have been keeping track of your journey. I have saved them all in a folder and also at times show it to my son.
Its amazing the way you are boldly dealing with all situations. Really makes me worry and scary for you at times. I cannot describe the feelings that have grown within me for you. Your strength and will power are just oustanding. May god take care of you.
Ashok, Apr 22, 2007 7:23 PM, CANADA / BANGLORE
Keep going dude !! fascinated by all your posts. Leak story was quite scary. Yesterday I attempted something equally daredevil. I crossed hosur road at 7:00pm in mid traffic. And for my next death defying trick you’ve inspired me to take.
Ketan . . | on 4/19/2007 at 1:50:08 PM, INDIA
You are quite an inspiration to the human race! I wish you all the best in your current venture!!!
My mother is 92 years old and has lost her eyesight. I update her on news from time to time.
Ever since I told her about your fantastic adventure, she has been asking for daily updates and sends you her blessings. Go for it, Bhavik!!! you have inspired many, young and old, and your feat makes India proud!!!
H . . | on 4/15/2007 at 4:53:51 PM
If i thought i had an interesting week, boy was i surprised to read about yours!!.. Seems like you’ve had quite a long week man. Hope all is well and undercontrol with the leak and rudder et all!!… Keep it going!!
LT. AK SINGH . army officer. indian army | on 4/15/2007 at 4:20:31 AM, INDIAN ARMY
Hell of an effort brother.. extraordinary people like you inspire ordinary people like us …to break tke mould and go beyond our of luck.hope you get to see land very soon.
Rizvi hassen . DIPLOMAT. GOVERNMENT | on 4/15/2007 at 2:28:25 AM, SRI LANKA
I am so excited to hear your voyage. Keep rowing. I am one your cheer squad member. Wish you good luck for your mission to accomplish with success. Rizvi Hassen from Colombo.
Umang . . | on 4/15/2007 at 12:40:09 AM, INDIA
We were once Gods. But since, we have forgotten who we were. And now we are Men. And you’re out to prove this. Great going!
Bidyut . retired air force officer. GoI Min of Def | on 4/12/2007 at 5:18:41 PM, MINISTRY OF DEFENCE
Ur cross atlantic trip reeminds me of the book pappilon and his escapes and adventures thru the seas. To U therefore I wish all the best. What a brave soul. Keep up the show, and GOD will see u thru, and we will soon see u “triumphant”. We feel so proud of U.
Lakshmi V.Venkatesan , Founder Trustee BYST Apr 11, 2007 5:02 PM, BYST
Been enjoying following your extraordinary journey in the last month. Was unfortunately too preoccupied earlier but am going back to reread your log. Cannot wait to have you talk to the 10,000 entrepreneurs and mentors in India and have you share with them your ultimate entrepreneurial journey.
Aasim Khwaja . . | on 4/11/2007 at 2:57:20 PM, INDIA
I have been reading your posts regularly. Enjoyable + inspirational + wowie!. I wish you all the very best for the rest of the journey. You’ve had a sucky day recently — and i am sure there will be more sucky days — but, continue to keep the spirits up and the confidence strong.
Rahul Gambhir . . Red Bull Energy Drink | on 4/11/2007 at 8:07:56 AM, DUBAI
Hey Superman ! The entire Red Bull team at India sends you loads of energies & wiiings !!
Lakshmi V. Venkatesan . Founding & Managing Trustee. BYST (A Entrepreneurship Fdn in India) | on 4/11/2007 at 6:45:24 AM
You certainly embody the spirit of adventure – Waiting for the day when you can come, chat and inspire the over 10,000 young entrepreneurs in BYST in India.
Dilip Joshi . . | on 4/11/2007 at 5:09:43 AM
First of all my heartiest congratulation for attempting the rareest of rare mission ! We are all proud of you.
Tomoko Tazawa , Apr 10, 2007 6:07 PM, AUSTRALIA
Wow Bhavik!!!!! I am really impressed! It was great to hear what you’ve been up to. So I hope all is going well, I will be sure to keep in eye out on your adventures. It’s incredible that you’ve been out at see for so long – and I agree with you 100% that the life experiences you’re having now and the amazing experiences – like communicating with dolphins – are things dreams are made of for the rest of us.
Saj . . | on 4/10/2007 at 12:01:32 PM, UK
I take my hat off to you…and u should take that beard off..
Rey Mulles..Phils. . seaman. | on 4/9/2007 at 9:31:01 PM, PHILIPPINES
Hope u make it to the monitoring u since you have departed..iknow its a record breaking.your boat is good,fit to you,has the capability to right on his own,..mabuhay ka!!!
Peter Mcfarren Apr 8, 2007 6:09 AM, LA PLAZ, BOLIVIA
Best wishes as you pursue your dream. You are a man of great courage and vision
Beverly Schwartz . VP, Global Marketing. Ashoka | on 4/5/2007 at 1:25:21 PM
I have become a big fan of your daily log and photos. An authentic and bright spot in my day. Just remember that a goal is a dream with a deadline….. and you are accomplishing both at the same time. Your fish buddies and your admirering office bound readers are along with you on this journey!
Lakshmi V Venkatesan, Founding Trustee, , May 4, 2007 2:48 PM,
I keep reading your postings with a mixture of awe, pride, fear, envy and a lot more! Your are out there literally living it out for all of us. Thank You. It is great to hear that your anxiety is less because you have crossed the halfway mark – I suppose I can start breathing too!
Alexandre Campos . Altran Technologies | on 4/4/2007 at 12:47:12 PM, NETHERLANDS
Best of Luck Bhavik Long gone the days of Kista, I knew that you were special but this is something else. I have to be jealous, I’m sure you will conquer it. Alex
Alok Sharma , Apr 4, 2007 1:30 PM, APPLE INDIA
It takes great courage to attempt this expedition. For most of us, this would be unthinkable. I salute you for going after your dream.
Gunilla Lagerfelt, The Nobel Foundation, Stockholm, Apr 4, 2007 2:34 PM, SWEDEN
Oh dear, how fascinating ! It eally must be exciting. I do wish you all luck and take good care.
Lovely to read about your fascinating life. I had no idea about this kind of life of yours. How very far away from the Karolinska Institutet
Ashok Nehru ..| Apr 4, 2007 1:25 PM, INDIA
It’s been most interesting to read your dispatches, thanks for them. We continue to watch, and wish you lots of continued luck! Hope there’s no need for more repairs. The pictures of fish and mountainous waves are just great.
Devi Rianawati, Indonesia . . | on 4/4/2007 at 4:07:47 AM, INDONESIA
It’s been a long long time since Straford. Wish u all the best. And I’m so proud of you!!!
Roma Sanjai Hayaran , 3 Apr 2007 19:07:35 -0000, JAPAN
Hey, I have been avidly following your course, Great going.
Debolin Sen, May 3, 2007 1:50 PM, INDIA
Read about you in an article featured in the newspaper ‘the mint’ in bombay. what you are doing is something unimaginable. wow. have also checked your site and will be monitoring your progress. you have to achieve what you set out to accomplish. the sense of personal achievement and success will be tremondous. my prayers and wishes are with you.
Christos . . | on 4/3/2007 at 11:41:03 AM, GREECE
I won’t say that u r crazy cause everybody else did already
K.V.V.S.Murthy, Vice President, Reliance, Apr 2, 2007 4:10 PM, RELIANCE
Fantastic ! I just could not believe this. I used to read such in things only in Reader’s Digest. It gives me so much pleasure that I shared with my colleagues (100 persons under me ) and my family.
I will pray every day for you . And I am sure you will realise your dream. You will make all Indians proud ! This will be an inspiration to all of us here. I am not able to get words. God bless you ! Have the courage to endure! You are not alone. You are in our thoughts !
Divyesh Daruwala . Student. | on 4/2/2007 at 12:02:13 PM
Wish u all the best for your expedition. u r the role model. I m proud of you. Jus keep it up.
Anand . Server Administrator. T-edge Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | on 4/2/2007 at 8:11:14 AM, INDIA
sacha sahas hai jiske maan mein ant me jeet useki rahai. Best Of Luck ! Take Care !
K V V S Murthy . Vice President. Reliance Industries Limited | on 4/2/2007 at 4:50:59 AM
Fantastic ! I just got the mail and am posting this message.Kudos to your courage. Am proud of you. I’am sure you will realise your dream! I only used to read such events in Reader’s Digest.A friend doing this excites me. God bless you in ample measure!
Jessica . . | on 4/2/2007 at 4:45:33 AM, LONDON
You are absolutely and wonderfully crazy …
Amar Gore . Committee Member. Colaba Sailing Club | on 4/2/2007 at 12:11:27 AM, INDIA
Great going – Keep the CSC Flag flying high
Johan Hammarlund . . | on 3/22/2007 at 1:59:57 PM
Good to see that you are on your way again. We met you at La Gomera 1 year ago. Right now we are one our way back from Antartica, going north. Probably going to cross your path along the way.
NILESH . . | on 3/21/2007 at 2:03:03 AM, INDIA
Was kind of worrid with no news from your end. Got all the postings only today. God bless you and take care of you. Reading the postings gave me shivers in my spine. Saw your picture, you look like a true sailor. The first one was a tiring look but the second one shows glow on your face. Keep it up man. All the best. God will give you all the strength you need to reach your goal.
Nisha . . | on 3/20/2007 at 12:19:57 PM, INDIA
All The Best! I hope three is your lucky number.
Nick Bowles . . | on 2/17/2007 at 8:12:05 PM, YACHT FAIRWINDS
We heard you on the VHF on the 12th Feb (day after you left San Sebastian) talking to Fred Olsen, but there are no news updates on your website -are you OK? – Nick
Yvonne . Supporter. Silva Sweden AB | on 2/11/2007 at 6:56:09 AM, STOCKHOLM
Best wishes and GOOD LUCK! :o) As we say in Sweden: tredje gången gillt!
Krishan Kalra . Adviser. FICCI | on 12/20/2006 at 7:07:56 AM, INDIA
All strength to your elbow(s) Bhavik and may God be with you.You are a BRAVE MAN.I have just learnt about this great adventure from my son Deep of MakeMyTrip.Will follw your progress with keen interest.
Gordana . . | on 12/20/2006 at 2:54:26 AM, LONDON
Good luck my dear friend! Keep on and don’t stop until you reach your goal! I know you will manage it, ’cause you are the best, and the most crazy one I know 🙂 I support you with all my strength and energy throught the state of mind. Love and GO! Gordana
Roy . . | on 12/15/2006 at 6:18:14 PM, UNITED STATES
All the best man. You are my hero. When I grow up I want to be just like you. Roy
Tushar . . | on 11/28/2006 at 2:06:47 PM, INDIA
Am so happy to stumble upon news of your second attempt. Wishing you the very best. What an example you will be to all of us.
PREETAM SURANA . . | on 5/14/2006 at 3:56:02 AM, INDIA
Hats off man to your adventurerous spirit.A failed and aborted attempt will only give greater energy,reason,challenge,enthusiasm, determination…
Annet and Janet . . | on 5/13/2006 at 7:24:58 PM, UK
i think what u are doing is absolutely brave and courageous. we’re sixteen and if you can impress someone this age with what you are doing, i think there are a lot more people out there captivated by what you are doing. i love your pictures and it is turly fascinating to see what u do. i hope you have a safe journey and all the best!! we believe in you !!
Edit . student. – | on 5/6/2006 at 11:34:43 AM, HUNGARY
I have just read your attept now, thank you so much for mail! I read your diary overwhelmed by your bravery, in Hungary, the landlocked country, where we can not imagine the 40 meters high waves. I am very proud of you, you are greta, because attept to reach your goal, and even even greater and wiser, that you could make the decision to turn back! I wish you very very great success for your next adventure!!!
Osiris Ortega . . | on 4/29/2006 at 5:33:56 PM, MEXICO
I know you are going to make it. YOU CAN DO IT. Osiris Ortega Your Mexican Friend
Helena Berg . . KTH, Sweden| on 4/26/2006 at 7:29:28 AM, STOCKHOLM
I just heard about you through the internal newsletter of KTH. What an inspirational undertaking!!
Annabelle . Senior Consultant. Ernst and Young. | on 4/17/2006 at 11:32:57 AM, ECUADOR
I don’t know if you should be admired you or think you are mad! I just know there are few like you out there!
Juan . Marino. | on 4/13/2006 at 11:56:41 AM, LANZAROTE
Ánimo seguro que lo consigues, me encantaría también poder hacer esa travesia. Saludos desde Lanzarote. Juan
Maurice . . | on 4/13/2006 at 10:46:17 AM, LONDON
i love sharks they are really amazing. i cant believe u actually tried to row across the seas
Thomas Malayil . Executive. Idea Cellular Ltd | on 4/13/2006 at 1:49:47 AM, INDIA
I came to know you when my company sponsered for you. I am so much inspired,being an Indian having expedition across Atlantic. My Prayers and Prayer of Indians will be with you all the way
Sanjeev Patil . . MRO-TEK Ltd | on 4/12/2006 at 5:59:00 AM, INDIA
The very fact that you have set a target means that you have the corresponding capacity to achieve it. I’m sure that you’ll come out with flying colours in this endeavour.
Sonia . . | on 4/12/2006 at 4:04:03 AM, ITALY
I think (or better :I’m quite sure!)for you is quite impossible a normal life like we all!Have you never thought about take a normal plane?!? Ciao Sonia
Girls from lanzarote . . | on 4/11/2006 at 4:43:53 PM, GIRLS FROM LANZAROTE
The wheather here its fantastic. We dont dissere God be with u we prefere to recomende u the hell, because its more warm. Anyway all the best for u. We follow your progress from this volcan island that u must know one day. Take care. Love.
Lappis Pubs tjejer . Lappis Pub. LOm | on 4/11/2006 at 4:09:58 PM, LAPPIS
Du är så duktig, vännen! Vi önskar dig lyckat till med allting! Du är sååååååååå modig. Heja Bhavik!!!!
May . Lappis Pub. Lappis Pub | on 4/11/2006 at 4:06:27 PM, BRAZIL / STOCKHOLM
Hello! Its amazing what you are doing. I wish you all the best. May and Silvia from Stockholm
Leida . Shift Lead. Onesteel Sydney | on 4/11/2006 at 9:37:48 AM
I’ve enjoyed keeping up with the preparations for this trip .. but this is the moment everyone has been waiting for! Wishing you kind weather, lots of endurance, motivation and a bag of quick fixes. No turning back now- all the best!
Indrani Vidyarthi . Director. Indus Hospitality Consulting | on 4/11/2006 at 9:11:17 AM, INDIA
Dear Bhavik, Your steely determination and inner strength is amazing. You are an inspiration to us and deserve every bit of success.
Jagath Kumara . Secretary. Embassy of Sri Lanka | on 4/11/2006 at 8:33:06 AM, STOCKHOLM
It is pleasure to be acquainted with your incredible attempt. Humans, who has such bravery are very limited. I am honoured to be a member of your known circle.
Almir . KTH. | on 4/11/2006 at 8:02:53 AM, SWEDEN
Hi there “brave soul”! I remember when you used to talk about your plans? Now the adventure is near.I wish you the best of luck! You are already a winner!
Bagsen Aktas (From KTH Sweden) . Analyst. ACN | on 4/11/2006 at 7:48:49 AM, STOCKHOLM
I know you cycled from Stockholm to Istanbul so I have no doubt you will succeed
Lilly Pavlou . Marketing Manager. | on 4/11/2006 at 7:48:31 AM, CYPRUS
Good luck ! Its amazing what you are doing! Which must mean you are amazng!! You are in my thoughts and prayers! Lilly
Ines Trindade . Post-Doctoral Researcher. University | on 4/11/2006 at 7:44:48 AM, CAPE TOWN
I will get updates online and I will be thinking of you…:-) All the best and a big kiss
Rob Hamill . . | on 4/11/2006 at 7:29:53 AM, NEW ZEALAND
Great to see you make it to the start. That is a big part of the challenge already taken care of. Now all you have to do it row!
Nikos Dimitrakas . . | on 4/11/2006 at 6:40:37 AM, STOCKHOLM / GREECE
You are hands down the most crazy person I know. I hope you survive this madness. I envy you with your courage and energy.
Leven Brown . . | on 4/7/2006 at 9:02:03 AM, UK
When you are waiting in Gomera just remember the old mariners saying ‘Go when the going is good and no time before’. It looks fairly unsettled at the moment in that the wind doesn’t know which direction it is blowing in!! .
Hemantraj . . !dea Cellular Ltd. | on 4/7/2006 at 1:14:38 AM, INDIA
I Came to Know that u r carrying !dea Logo Across Atlantic…I would really like u to wish u all the best and may success comes all ur way…With entire world this small creature is also with u…
Ramakrishna . VP ops . Idea Cellular Ltd | on 4/7/2006 at 12:40:50 AM
Have a great trip . This would surely be an inspiration for all Indians. .
BIJOY PAUL . Senior – Marketing. Gulf Oil Corporation | on 4/6/2006 at 11:36:24 PM, INDIA
Hats Off To You Chief !!!! The entire Gulf Oil Corporation team will pray for your success and we know that you will come out with flying colors.
Annika .Sweden . | on 3/29/2006 at 2:24:02 PM, STOCKHOLM
You are the best.Am angry though….*smile* Last thing I heard from you was….i´ll send you my number in spain…I never got to call you.Sorry.My sister say to send her love.I send you my love to.The best of luck to you my frind. Remeber our house is your house when u come back.
Collin S.Jones . National Human Rights Commission | on 3/28/2006 at 6:31:32 AM, INDIA
Just I was reading your voyage from La Gomera to Antigua which as Indian, I am proud of it. My family prayers will be there always
Margo . . | on 3/23/2006 at 4:32:13 AM, TALLIN, ESTONIA
Wish you great strength. Greetings from Tallinn.
Sandeep raam . student. | on 3/22/2006 at 12:42:41 PM, INDIA
GREAT.. i came to know about ur journey thr g.k.power-english monthly – chennai – india – i and my friends were amazed to go through your record breaking trip.
Manoj S. Panicker . Tech Lead. Saba Software | on 3/18/2006 at 6:14:07 AM, INDIA
I came to know about this brave and inspirational attempt of yours from I wish you all the best in your endeavor. I am sure you will get over the fatigue, the sleeplessness, the 40 foot high waves and stand tall on terra firma after successfully completing your journey.
Navin Sahni . Max New York Life Insurance | on 3/15/2006 at 12:06:07 PM, INDIA
Just wanted you to know that you are an inspiration to all of us. You will by all means make it, as your heart and mind are set to accomplish this difficult task.
Baljeet . S/w Engg. HCL | on 3/13/2006 at 10:56:40 PM
All the very best, Bhavik!! God Bless You!! Ur determination is commendable!!
Eva-Lotta . . Naturkompaniet | on 3/13/2006 at 8:12:05 AM, STOCKHOLM
You are mad but a true inspiration. You will make it!!!
Anubhuti . Consultant. Quadrangle Consulting | on 3/10/2006 at 5:24:20 AM, INDIA
You & the sea…hope you’ll come out stronger as a human being…its more of a test for your mind than body. So, may the FORCE be with you!
Radhika Kumar . . | on 3/9/2006 at 1:43:10 AM, INDIA
Amazing! though i have never met you,but the first i have heard abiut you is very impresive.
Timothy James Anderson . CEO. | on 3/8/2006 at 3:49:13 PM, UNITED STATES
Inspirational, Amazing, and Outstanding The willingness to dream, focus, and truly follow your heart is a quality few people posses. Even fewer are those who actually make those dreams a reality and achieve what others only wish they could. Life is a journey for all of us, however there are rare individuals that make that journey an adventure. Keep the dreams alive, your eyes towards the horizon
Hetas Pandya . Executive. Idea Cellular Ltd. | on 3/8/2006 at 10:00:14 AM, INDIA
Make India and Indians say that India is the country which has given birth to a great person like you….
Brig Dipak Anand (Retd) . . | on 3/8/2006 at 7:28:46 AM, ARMY
Many dare to dream but only the brave dare to try. may the prayers and wishes of a billion Indians, and i am sure many more humankind, give strength to your arms and mind to succeed. only the special ones can follow in the footsteps of pioneering adventurers like COLOMBUS, ARMSTRONG, TENZING, HILARY and such others. we will be waiting with bated breath to see u home. GODSPEED AND JAIHIND .
Andrea . Owner. Bayou Fish & More | on 3/7/2006 at 11:33:11 AM, SPAIN
You are living my dreams. Bravo!
Viktoria Liao . . | on 3/7/2006 at 10:15:25 AM, STOCKHOLM
oh my god! cutie, you got long hair heheh…well it has been a looong time now seens we saw each other.. 🙂 ciao seeya later /vicky
T Srinivas . . | on 3/7/2006 at 7:41:16 AM, INDIA
my best wishes to the superman, I am happy to see an Indian is doing an unconventional sports. You are an example to others
Kanchan Kunte . Manager – International Business. Erba | on 3/7/2006 at 6:00:20 AM, INDIA
God Bless your journey. I am proud to be a fellow Indian, with you. Keep our tricolour flying high.
Nilesh Mehta (INDIA) . Business Development: Europe. | on 3/7/2006 at 5:50:06 AM, INDIA
When I read about your plans for the first time, IMMEDIATELY I was reminded of “Kon-Tiki”.
Lalit Sharma . . | on 3/7/2006 at 2:04:33 AM, INDIA
May god shower the blessings for your endeveors and good health , Never give up am sure noone can stop you to achive this milestone. we are proud of you and you have make the Indians PROUD of you. Best wises and good luck is with you from every part of the world not alone India
Sushant Agarwal . Director. RPA Ferro-Industries Pvt. Ltd. | on 3/7/2006 at 1:53:29 AM, INDIA
I congratulate you and admire you for your strength, both physical and mental. You are an inspiration for Indians the world over. Amateur adventurers like myself draw tremendous encouragement from you.
Rohit Zariwal . Computer engineer. Idea Cellular Ltd. | on 3/7/2006 at 12:51:35 AM, INDIA
.Your are making india proud. We are all with you.
Chitra Gurjar . . | on 3/6/2006 at 9:40:30 PM, INDIA
Go on straight on!! You are an inspiration to all and a testimony to endurance.
Gaurang . Research Technician. Charles River | on 3/6/2006 at 5:59:56 PM, INDIA
Wish you Sucess in your mission and make US Proud World Wide!
Rakesh Pulapaka . . | on 3/6/2006 at 9:59:30 AM, INDIA
I am sure you will make yourself & your nation proud by completing this honoured act. I am proud to call you a countryman.
Capt. M.Reza Beg . Airline captain (Retd). Air India | on 3/5/2006 at 2:33:47 PM, INDIA
Here’s one soul mate who will be with you all the way in spirit. As a marathon man and extreme adventurer myself (even after 2 Bypass Ops), I know what it takes to conquer impossible odds and I know you can make it. Never give up !! I’ve flown across the Atlantic hundreds of times and I dedicate every trip to you with a salute. You’re our hero Bhavik. God bless you with success always.Antigua awaits a legend named Bhavik Gandhi. All Indians salute your courage.
JP Rajkhowa . retired civil servant. | on 3/5/2006 at 1:03:36 PM, INDIA
You deserve our heartiest felicitations for what U have already achieved.
Nitin Kumar . Business Analyst. GENPACT | on 3/5/2006 at 6:23:03 AM, INDIA
.When you can dream of something then can become a reality…So go for it and Make US
SHASHI KHANNA . DOCTOR. | on 3/5/2006 at 6:11:48 AM, INDIA
Can any one able to stop air to blow, can any one stop sun to rise, than who has the guts to stop you. Carry on dear wholw country good wishes with you. we are proud of you………
Shishir i desai(Surat) . . | on 3/5/2006 at 3:17:12 AM, INDIA
india needs brave people like you.
Shashi kumar . architect. a & a | on 3/5/2006 at 2:43:56 AM, INDIA
capture the impossible , and prove the world that human is a challenging animal with no limits. all the best.
Suneet Salvi . Propreitor. Prolinea | on 3/5/2006 at 2:08:10 AM, INDIA
You are amazing . I hope you manage to get time to go around to colleges and schools and and inspire kids. Our kids of today have wrong role models. Some one like you will do society great service by inspiring kids. Failure and success in part of the same coin but just to attempt something so big is great. God Bless you. Do mankind PROUD.
KAUSHIK SAMPAT . PROPRIETOR. Travel Kare (india) | on 3/5/2006 at 12:58:32 AM, INDIA
Ur mission has made me feel proud that i m an Indian…..God is always with u but ur own faith in urself is your biggest supporter…..Wish u Millions of Best Lucks…..
DHAWAL SHAH . Managing Director. FURNITECH SYSTEMS | on 3/5/2006 at 12:11:33 AM, INDIA
I don’t know you personally but any person attempting such an extraordinary act of bravery deserves the best support and wishes. I wish you all the best. U are truly a hero ..
Alice Anderson . Volunteer Coordinator. Salvation Army | on 3/4/2006 at 5:49:54 PM, LONDON
God bless you and good luck in your journey. I applaud your efforts. Hope I can go to India in future, that will be my challenge!
Prashant Shah . Business Owner. | on 3/4/2006 at 3:42:22 PM, INDIA
Man has always been faced with many challenges in life–some which are part of our lives and which we take in our stride and some which i choose to take on.U are taking on one such challenge.The only great thing abt it is tht with challenges we’re always given an inner desire to succeed which always comes to the fray when all hope is lost.I hope u never lose hope in ur successful endeavour but even if u feel let down let me just say one thing,”You’re not just racing for urself,ur racin for all those who desire to fight and win in life”. So go on and conquer the seas.May God be with u all along.
Manoj . . | on 3/4/2006 at 3:40:52 PM, UNITED STATES
You have got a Lion’s heart.
Subhash sharma . chef bakery. fairmont hotels | on 3/4/2006 at 3:17:16 PM, NEW YORK
may god help you and in this chanllaging hours on sea.if you crossing bermuda then it will be an honour to host you.
Vijay . Manager. Accenture | on 3/4/2006 at 3:01:49 PM, INDIA
Go on be a Tiger…follow your dreams and you will sail through always
Mahesh Vasudevan . Information System Specialist. EDS | on 3/4/2006 at 2:45:17 PM, INDIA
I admire the vastness, depth and spread of your efforts like the ocean has it. And sure that it is an unique endeavor and you can sail through it and share the world your adventure after that.
Prasanna . engineer. | on 3/4/2006 at 11:33:23 AM, INDIA
shrisaibaba always bless u. amara antar na ashirwad. apni sathe apni viakt shkeno ma
Ajayaditya . . Fahrenheit Productions. | on 3/4/2006 at 11:28:30 AM, INDIA
You are LIVING life ! Way to go. You have have chosen to follow your heart and that is the greatest adventure of all. All the very best and God speed to you.
Anand Penat . Sr.Manager. | on 3/4/2006 at 10:47:14 AM, INDIA
I wont even pretend that i even begin to comprehend how tough this would be..But i just dropped in to say that a lot of us Indians are proud of what you are attempting to do and will be rooting for your success. Fair winds and God Speed.
Naga Srinivasa Rao Pilla . CEO. Pilla INC | on 3/4/2006 at 10:23:41 AM, INDIA
Great! Want to join with you.
Dee . Manager. Nokia Singapore | on 3/4/2006 at 10:12:46 AM, SINGAPORE
Wishing you all the good luck. Be the forces of nature your best buddies in this adventure and help you to reach your goal. Yes, you can do it.
Govind . Business Consultant. HCL | on 3/4/2006 at 9:21:39 AM, INDIA
Great imagination, great determination. We’ll be there all the way. Just do it.
Abhay Jain . . | on 3/4/2006 at 7:50:50 AM, INDIA
Wish you all the best & all the sucess,Always remember to keep reminding yourself that YOU CAN DO IT, no matter how difficult the circumstances. By seeing your adventure. I am really feeling very ashamed as a normal human being why don’t i dare for such a Big Deal! but of course answer is there in my question i.e i am normal human being. But i think you are exceptional case and you have to prove by doing this.
Amrit chopra . CEO. IBA Health middleast | on 3/4/2006 at 7:11:04 AM, INDIA
May GOD bless you,
Venkat . Sales Manager. Burgeon | on 3/4/2006 at 6:40:59 AM, INDIA
If you have strong determination no one can stop you. I am sure you have strong determination and will. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. WISH YOU ALL THE BEST
Ajay verma . . | on 3/4/2006 at 6:04:45 AM, INDIA
Best of luck make the world proud of you and whole nation
Anil Gupta . . | on 3/4/2006 at 5:58:11 AM, INDIA
Must salute your courage and wish you all the best. The power of your dream will make it possible!!
Ashish . Director Sales. | on 3/4/2006 at 5:42:26 AM, INDIA
Always remember to keep reminding yourself that YOU CAN DO IT, no matter how difficult the circumstances. This adventure is more a test of your mental power than your physical strength. All the Best and I am sure you will make all the Indians proud of you!!
Aman Batra . Director. Newman India Pvt Ltd | on 3/4/2006 at 5:14:52 AM, INDIA
Make us proud. It feels really great when an Indian accomplishes a great challenge. God Bless!
Dharmendra K. Malvi . . | on 3/4/2006 at 4:40:59 AM, INDIA
We all wish you all the success as it one body carrying the spirit of all of us.
Darshan . . | on 3/4/2006 at 4:02:38 AM, INDIA
may your have strength to acomplish many more such enduring missions
Kishor . . | on 3/4/2006 at 3:58:30 AM, INDIA
mind boggling attempt. lots lots lots of luck.
Gaurav . . | on 3/4/2006 at 2:50:47 AM, INDIA
May God bless you with endless strength and power to take you through this adventure. HAIL…..
Pooja Sharma . Senior Exe.. CONTEL | on 3/4/2006 at 2:50:39 AM, INDIA
All the best People like you make our nation proud
Dev . Systems Analyst. Convergys | on 3/4/2006 at 2:31:17 AM, UNITED STATES
You the guy … I am feeling the adrenaline run through me already … I really respect your spirit … I wish I could be there with you to cheer you in person … you are gonna make it buddy … and in style. God bless.
Abhishek . Technology Lecturer. | on 3/4/2006 at 2:16:27 AM, INDIA
May God give you the strength, courage & endurance to complete this fete. Gob Bless U!!!!
K. Sreenivasa Rao . Editor. Indian Institute of Science | on 3/4/2006 at 2:13:26 AM, INDIA
Your feats make us proud to be Indians!
Animesh . . | on 3/4/2006 at 2:08:26 AM, INDIA
When you are alone on the sea…. just remember that there are more than a billion people praying for you. Go and make us proud. Godspeed..
Kajal . . | on 3/4/2006 at 1:44:43 AM, INDIA
you make us proud! may the angels be with you…
SRL . . | on 3/4/2006 at 1:42:45 AM, INDIA
Your attempt inspires the rest of us to think beyond what is possible.
Shyam . . | on 3/4/2006 at 1:42:19 AM, INDIA
May God give you all that’s required to accomplish your mission. May HE stand by you and support you at all times. You are set to do what most even would not dream.
Ravi . engineer. cpri | on 3/4/2006 at 1:37:54 AM, INDIA
Go ahead conquer. Show the type of confidence to youngsters
Himanshu mehta . BEST OF LUCK. INDIA TRIMS | on 3/4/2006 at 1:34:22 AM, INDIA
ALOK BHARTI . . | on 3/4/2006 at 1:26:24 AM, INDIA
Bravo,you can do this.Best of luck!! we all are with u.
Dr Keyur Majmundar . Homoeopathic Physician. | on 3/4/2006 at 1:24:16 AM, INDIA
What a adventure. Great! You are the winner, any mission with positive attitude is always gets accomplished. My all the good wishes for becoming succesful, in advance.
Sanmeni . . | on 3/4/2006 at 1:14:57 AM, LONDON
Make our Country Proud.Our best wishes and our prayers are with you. I am in indian navy so i know this adventure will give you immense pleasure.Enjoy yourself.
Sekhar . . | on 3/3/2006 at 8:27:48 AM, INDIA
I wish you need an assistant and I see myself there.
Dhiren Upadhyay . Travel Consultant. | on 3/3/2006 at 7:57:40 AM, INDIA
Way to go .. !! hats off to your courage and best of luck to your Mission Impossible 2006 !! God Bless !!!
Uday . . | on 3/2/2006 at 6:33:27 AM, INDIA
This is awesome.. salute your spirit ! wishing you all the very best… Prayers for your success
Mahesh . . Dell Inc. | on 2/28/2006 at 1:43:14 AM, BANGLORE
Awesome !!! Here is wishing you all the best on behalf of the enrire IT community in Bangalore..
Amit [Netahoy] Agarwal . . | on 2/27/2006 at 11:31:01 PM, INDIA
All the very best for your endeavor… to the sprit of adventurism
Rahul Gambhir . . Red Bull Energy Drinks | on 2/27/2006 at 5:41:46 AM, DUBAI
Totally amazing and truly inspiring !! Will follow your progress closely & wish you all the luck
Ashok Nehru . . | on 2/20/2006 at 4:53:42 AM, INDIA
Even before your message of 14th Feb. I saw the article “Wind in his sails” in Business Standard, and was planning to write. All the very best on this huge adventure, and I look forward to your success. I get the Hindu and Business Standard, so will keep updated on your progress.
Gayatri . AVP Marketing. MakeMyTrip | on 2/18/2006 at 5:14:15 AM, INDIA
A tripper in every sense, wishing that you break all records. Best wishes from Team
Andreu Mateu . Entrepreneur. Dreams & Adventures | on 2/11/2006 at 5:26:34 PM, BARCELONA
Congratulations for what you have already achieved. To be where you are now means you have already acomplished alot.
Harsha . . | on 2/10/2006 at 2:18:04 AM, SRI LANKA
I’m sure that you will get a heroes welcome once you make it across the atlantic!Wishing you a safe journey from all your friends in Sri Lanka!
Dannielle Smith . . | on 2/7/2006 at 6:52:28 AM, LONDON
best of luck for this amazing journey… Will have to meet up for many drinks to celebrate on your safe return! watch out for sea monsters [usually disguised with seaweed and ocean floor goo] and try not to get scoffed by a shark [so no dangling your toes over the side of the boat!!]! You’ve done some pretty cool stuff, but this just rocks, I am very impressed and proud of you for doing something so utterly brave and crazy! Your one fab adventurer, very inspirational. so take care, and will see you when your back.
Vinod&Aruna Ambani . . | on 1/31/2006 at 11:32:09 AM, INDIA
Our best wishes and blessings in your adventure and we pray for your safe jouney. You have been able to dream it and you will achieve the same. All the best!
Amar Gore . . | on 1/31/2006 at 9:12:54 AM, INDIA
On Behalf of the Colaba Sailing Club, Its Members and the Managing Committee we wish you a safe journey and the very best. Do your club proud Cheers! Amar Amar Gore Commodore Colaba Sailing Club
Harit . . on 1/22/2006 at 6:04:34 AM, INDIA
You’re already a winner in our books… but we all wish you the very best nevertheless!! Good luck with them oars buddy… see you soon!!
Rafael Kalicinski . CEO. Teamwork Technology | on 1/10/2006 at 2:21:49 AM, SWEDEN
I still hope you will change your mind! I do encourage your idea – it’s fantastic, but I think you should be doing it after few years not yet my friend…again, but you’ve never listened ..
Penny (watercupthree) . . | on 1/10/2006 at 1:24:27 AM, SHANGHAI
Your courage impressed me deeply though I made acquaintance with you just now. I’d like to extend my good wish to you in this challenging activity. And please remember: Nothing is impossible for a willing mind! Believe you will be a miracle to the world! Come on!
Robbie Safadi . . | on 1/9/2006 at 2:41:26 PM, LONDON
There is no look back, Keep you head strong, think of your purpose and how your actions may change and inspire others!!!!! We are waiting for you on the horizon, keep focused, can’t wait to hear your adventure over a couple of drinks!!!!
Khyati Gosar . . | on 1/9/2006 at 12:17:45 PM, INDIA
dude u simply rock…nyways wish u loads n loads of luck… “YOUR THE BEST… BETTER THAN THE REST..” stay safe n keep on rowing!!!
Pravin . . | on 1/7/2006 at 6:28:07 PM, INDIA
Any amount of moral support for such a gigantic project might seem small, but nonetheless I wanted to add my 2 cents and wish all goes well with your trip. Against the forces of nature, I’m sure that your strong will, and your scientific approach to endurance training, will help you reach any horizon !!
Suhbash Ghai . . Mukta Arts | on 1/7/2006 at 9:07:15 AM, INDIA
Behind every brave attempt there is a confluence of grit… Determination and Will power. But above it all there is you. You are finally the one who is going to make it happen. My very best wishes to you on your earnest endeavour. May the forces of the whole universe guide you to your final destination! God bless
Karan Ambani . . | on 1/7/2006 at 6:38:50 AM, THAILAND
Silvia Cunha . . | on 1/3/2006 at 2:34:01 PM, O’PORTO, PORTUGAL
You still have to come to visit me here in Portugal!!!! Miss you loads!!! I always knew that you were special!!!
Ravi . Information Security Specialist. | on 12/29/2005 at 11:09:37 AM
Bhavik, always knew that you were crazy enough to do something awesome like this, all the best from the crew from Royal Holloway, Godspeed and God Bless!
Neville J. Bilimoria . Consultant. Bilimoria & Associate | on 12/13/2005 at 5:39:33 AM, INDIA
Wish you all success in your world record. Neville J. Bilimoria, Captain of Boats Madras Boat Club
Samir . . Publishing ltd | on 12/12/2005 at 6:26:46 AM, INDIA
A school in Rajkot is so impress by u that they have purchase 70 copies of Chitralekha and put it in the liabrary. Practically all the students have read about u and they want to become like u. The authorities want to have some kind of massage from u for there students. i have given your number. they will
speak to u.
Ravi . . | on 12/6/2005 at 9:03:56 AM, INDIA
I was reading ur blog and must say u really inspire me, also read about you in an article in Erickson about the way u cycled ur way throughout Europe to prove the loopholes in the telecos there, wow that is really ………unique shall i say. Learning about ur ventures was a great experience in itself…
Prasad Shelar . 420 class Skipper(Yachting). | on 11/29/2005 at 12:22:43 AM, INDIA
“Winners dont do different things they do things differently”Wish you all the best!Goodluck!
Satoko . . | on 11/25/2005 at 2:54:53 AM, JAPAN
Its me satoko from Japan! and just read about your story! All the Best and i hope to seeing you in Sweden after this success! 🙂 Satokoxx
Claus Christensen . Product Manager. Abena | on 11/24/2005 at 3:58:38 PM, DENMARK
Hi B! We will all cheer for you!!! Best of luck! My bet is that before your journey ends you have been on TV here in Denmark!! I will do my best to make that happen – helping you cross the Atlantic you will manage yourself!
Rajinder Chawra . . | on 11/24/2005 at 11:01:30 AM, INDIA
“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult” Wish you Godspeed and good luck
Sanjay Ambani . . | on 11/23/2005 at 7:05:57 PM, TEXAS
Your achievements and adventures have been marvelous and makes us all feel very proud… this one is not for the faint hearted, see you across the pond!Sanjay
Madhur Rao . Associate. Citigroup | on 10/18/2005 at 5:20:33 AM, INDIA
I just read an article about the task that you are attempting (Cross Atlantic) in the Times of India, Mumbai edition, and man!!! i was amazed. This was followed by a Google search which led me to your website. I have only one thing to say ” Go Bhavik!!! go!!!.
Rui . . Save the | on 10/11/2005 at 7:09:45 PM, MOZAMBIQUE
WOW, I can’t believe you are actually “rowing across the Atlantic”!!! How long will this take?
Aanisha . BEng(Hons), MSc(eng), MIEE. | on 10/11/2005 at 10:21:56 AM, LONDON
I don’t know you personally but any person attempting such an extraordinary act of bravery deserves the best support and wishes. I wish you all the best and may God be with you always.
Armin. Mountain Climbing Partner in Ladakh. | on 10/11/2005 at 9:23:33 AM, GERMANY
wow, great idea. wish you good luck. have fun and enjoy it;). come back saFe!
Derick Odemba . . Schoolnet Mozambique | on 10/10/2005 at 9:57:29 AM, MOZAMBIQUE
It’s a pleasant surprise hearing from you in along time. If you can remember we met in Maputo, Mozambique. I can only wish you good luck as you take up this new huge challenge!
Uttara Mundkur . DHG Wonderworks Europe | on 10/10/2005 at 8:12:30 AM, LONDON
As one of the first people to go swimming with you at the age of 5 i know you have a great affinity for water (and for throwing people in). I never thought that 20 yrs on you would undertake so great a challenge. And i cant think of anyone more suited to do it. I know you’ve been training hard for this, there is always an advantage in the wisdom won from pain. So go on..conquer that ocean! uttsx
Jaquet Gilles SUI . World Champion Snowboarding. | on 10/9/2005 at 5:15:14 AM, SWITZERLAND
impressing, I wish you good luck.Even if you have your goal in your back never forget the victory start in your mind so always dream it, and keep on rowing! Gilles (and Michelle) buddy of ladakh
Tobias . . | on 9/17/2005 at 5:31:41 PM, STOCKHOLM
Grattis till jeres (er) “resa” över atlanten. Jag har stor respekt för er prestation (fast vår skandinaviska förfädrar gjorde det jo redan 1000 år för) Hilsen, Tobias